Waikiki Beach and Park Yoga: Location and Additional Information


Where To Meet



The location and schedule for this outdoor yoga is strategically chosen because at this time of the day, we have enough shade with a virtually private Waikiki beach for our yoga class.


This form of yoga is done off of a firm wood floor and on the shifting surface of a sandy beach. Well, ‘shifting sand’ offers us the opportunity to ‘keep-it-together’ as Eddie Murphy said in the movie, Bowfinger. It takes work to keep your legs together on sand! That extra bit of isometric “oomph” adds an enjoyable and invigorating dimension to regular standing poses.


The class content will vary daily. It will always be based on the symphony of breath, alignment, and intention. As variations continue to occur per situation, the differences in the type of yoga that is done is also applied. For example: There are some days when partner yoga is done. This partner yoga will then include forms of acro yoga which would have ten foot loops, in which a pair can find balance together.


Some classes veer in the direction of quiet ‘allowing,’ some head more towards slightly exuberant fun. Laughing out loud is also bound to happen.


On some days, the last portion of the class is performed while standing in shallow ‘ankle height’ waves.


The sole intention of this type of yoga is to create a class that is comfortable for beginners, and yet meaningful for more athletic people.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please bring a bath towel to sit on, and, you won’t need your yoga mat; on sand, mats just bunch your toes up. Yout toes need to be able to spread out.

Class is 60 minutes long.

Reservations are recommended so that you can receive updates on weather related cancelations, however, feel free to just chance it and show up without a reservation.

It is early, so if you sleep in, no worries!

If it’s raining, you can just call to ask. +1 808-922-0181

(We don’t cancel class for rain unless its pouring hard. But we do have those intermittent rain days.)


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This is also a beginner friendly, mixed level class, but it will be on the grass, in the shade of a tree.

We meet at the same standing Surfer Boy statue, and then find a likely spot.

The class will vary depending on which location is available. If a picnic table is available, the structure of the bench and table top are utilized for the classes – this is what we call picnic table yoga. If you enjoy Iyengar yoga, you’ll love it. The bench is perfect for supporting the back. We place our arms on the bench while doing all of the standing poses. It allows for a low back support while offering an enjoyable upper body engagement.


If the picnic tables aren’t available, then perhaps we might try Coconut Tree yoga. With yoga straps wrapped around a Coconut tree, we can lean away and pull on a strap, gently. “Gently” is the key. How gently can you engage your rotator cuff? It is easy to use strength. It is much more mentally challenging to softly engage your core with your peripheral while balancing with the help of a strap attached to a tree.


As usual, we do either partner yoga or a sort of regular ‘flow’ class every once in a while, depending on who shows up and what sort of interest is offered on that day.


Note: Since this type of yoga requires props and you are a person who does not want props during your yoga routine, you can check out the other types of outdoor yoga below.


Bring a towel to sit on.


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Classes are not currently offered.

This is the same as the park yoga class. We meet at the same statue, and then find our spot. However, we’ll enjoy the setting sun’s colors as we go through our class. This helps in improving the ambiance and the overall experience of this yoga class.


Bring a towel to sit on.




Whichever type of yoga you choose, whether it’s beach, sunset, or park yoga, you can choose to join the best classes here in Waikiki, HI! Come join us today and experience a holistic and enjoyable yoga experience!

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